The Teachers at Shoshin Dojo

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Sensei Tony Cuffie

Tony Cuffie  is a 5th degree black belt and is an auxiliary instructor for the regular children, adult, all-ranks, and advanced classes.

He is the Saturday and Sunday instructor for the AM advanced kata class.

He is a competitive kumite (fighting) specialist that holds several national and international titles including:

2018 Pan American (45-54) Kumite Champion

2017 & 2018 US Champion
2017 East Coast Champion

He is also an instructor at the world headquarters (honbu) dojo in Philadelphia.
Tony regularly attends seminars and camps held by various international karate instructors.

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Sensei Jim Gory

Jim Gory  is a 6th degree black belt and one of our advanced class instructors.

Jim has been training in Shotokan karate since 1970 and teaching since 1973.

Jim is one of ISKFs longest training students and one of its original instructors.

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Sensei Bob Darnell

Bob Darnell  is a 4th degree black belt and one of our instructors for the regular children, adult, all-ranks, and advanced classes.

Bob has been studying karate since he was a teenager, in Kenpo and Wado-Ryu, and in Shotokan since 2007.

Bob has completed both the examiner and tournament judge ISKF courses and has placed in regional and national tournaments and performed as a judge.

Bob regularly attends seminars and camps held by various international karate instructors.

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Sensei Nick Perry

Nick Perry  is a 3rd degree black belt and teaches some of our regular children, adult, all-ranks, and advanced classes.

He has been training in karate for 21 years…

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